Are you a graduate of a faith-based recovery program feeling called to ministry but unsure where to start? Ready to transform your past into a powerful testimony? Seeking to be equipped and empowered to serve God and lead others but lacking mentors with a proven track record in recovery and ministry to guide you?
answer the call to ministry
Pathway to Ministry is here to help you transform your life through faith, community, and discipleship, learning from those who have walked this road before you. We will prepare you for full-time ministry with a solid foundation in Christ and help you step confidently into your God-given calling.
Pathway to Ministry is a program created through the School of Transformation and Life Recovery Ministries to help people coming out of recovery succeed in their transition into ministry. This six-month track (with options to extend up to three years) focuses on deepening faith, providing practical ministry opportunities, and offering ongoing emotional healing. Many of our leaders have gone through recovery and have long-term sobriety, making them ideal mentors for your journey.
Shaur B.
It gave me the tools and the confidence to set and reach goals. It solidified who Jesus is and who that makes me.
Louis W.
Accountability and discipleship has encouraged me to go further than I could have on my own.
Zane N.
I learned about who Jesus is and what my purpose in life is. Now my purpose in life is to be like Jesus in everything I do.
Discover who God is through in-depth Bible studies, teachings, and sermons.
Learn to hear His voice.
Experience Him through the lives and testimonies of others.
Have one-on-one meetings with a mentor/counselor.
Follow program guidelines to ensure your path to success.
Attend weekly recovery meetings.
Serve as part of a thriving church community.
Join a marketplace ministry team.
Participate in outreaches to the homeless, addicted, and hungry.