Saturday, November 16
9:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Exploring Evangelism is designed to help you to share the gospel of Jesus Christ effectively in different settings. We will learn about, discuss and practice sharing the gospel as well as learn how to partner with the Holy Spirit in bringing His heart to the lost.
This event will include breakfast, snacks, and lunch, so come expecting a day going after more of Jesus' plan for our lives while enjoying each other's company.
9:30 AM Coffee and Breakfast Bites
9:45 AM Meet and Greet to start the day
10:00 AM Session 1: The Great Commission
10:45 AM Questions
11:00 AM Break
11:15 AM Session 2: What & How?
12:00 PM Questions
12:15 PM Lunch
1:15 PM Hitting the Streets of Oroville
3:15 PM Testimonies & Questions
4:00 PM Day Ends